Alabaster Box lyrics - Cece Winans

The room grew still
As she made her way to Jesus
She stumbles through the tears that made her blind
She felt such pain
Some spoke in anger
Heard folks whisper
There's no place here for her kind
Still on she came
Through the shame that flushed her face
Until at last, she knelt before his feet
And though she spoke no words
Everything she said was heard
As she poured her love for the Master
From her box of alabaster


And I've come to pour
My praise on Him
Like oil from Mary's alabaster box
Don't be angry if I wash his feet with my tears
And I dry them with my hair
You weren't there the night He found me
You did not feel what I felt
When he wrapped his love all around me and
You don't know the cost of the oil
In my alabaster box

I can't forget the way life used to be
I was a prisoner to the sin that had me bound
And I spent my days
Poured my life without measure
Into a little treasure box
I'd thought I'd found
Until the day when Jesus came to me
And healed my soul
With the wonder of His touch
So now I'm giving back to Him
All the praise He's worthy of
I've been forgiven
And that's why
I love Him so much


And I've come to pour
My praise on Him
Like oil from Mary's alabaster box
Don't be angry if I wash his feet with my tears
And dry them with my hair (my hair)
You weren't there the night Jesus found me
You did not feel what I felt
When He wrapped his loving arms around me and
You don't know the cost of the oil
Oh, you don't know the cost of my praise
You don't know the cost of the oil
In my alabaster box

Comforter lyrics - cece winans

Faithful Friend and Father, I've called You through the years
You've been Great Physician when sickness lingered near
Through distressing moments Your name is new and sweet
You've become Comforter to me

You are Comforter, that's who You are to me
Comforter, a name that fits so perfectly
Peace that passes all understanding
Comforter is who You are to me, it's who You are to me

And to the grieving family who weeps for loved ones gone
The pain of separation consumes another home
But on the waves of sorrow, You walk with perfect ease
Comforter is who the whole world needs

You are Comforter, that's who You are to me
Comforter, a name that fits so perfectly
Peace that passes all understanding
Comforter is who You are to me

Peace Giver, Life Changer
Joy River, Peace Giver
Way Maker, Life Changer
Peace Giver, Joy River

Comforter, that's who You are to me
Comforter, a name that fits so perfectly
Peace that passes all understanding
Comforter is who You are to me
Comforter is who You are to me

Peace Giver, Life Changer
Joy River, Peace Giver
Way Maker, Life Changer
Peace Giver, Joy River

Peace Giver, Life Changer
Joy River, Peace Giver
Way Maker, Life Changer
Peace Giver, Joy River

Love Of My Heart lyrics - Cece Winans

Thy right hand holds all pleasures
for ever more
it's my desire to please you'
it's what I live for
hearin' your words and your voice
make me rejoice
Oh your the one that I adore(echo)

Your my strong tower
mighty in power
Your spirit moves me
Your touch is healing
Love of My heart
my heart beat races
love of my heart
your my true oasis'
love of my heart
my rock and fortress
love of my heart
yeah yeah
there's no other place I'd
rather be than in
your company
you are my guidin' light
your the love of my heart
yeah oh oooh

Your my delight dear Father
in you I trust
I will behold thy face and
I wanna be just like you
and nothin' less
you know your simply the best

your my deliverer
and my provider
its your joy that pulls me through
I can't live without you

Without Love lyrics - Cece Winans

Without Love
There's no need to prophesy
Without Love
There would be no blue skies
Without Love
We're all just wasting our time
Loves the key to eternal life

Love suffers long and it's kind to all (all the time)
It never fails, helping others (never seeks her own)
Love always bears and endureth all
Without love everything would fall
Love is the greatest gift that (God has given us)
It never leaves, Love is stronger (than anything)

I can have faith to remove mountains
But it means nothin without love
Love is the greatest--God has given us
It never leaves--Than anything
I can have faith to remove mountains

Love is the key
(It's the greatest gift)
Love is the key
(It forgives all things)
Love is the key
(It's the greatest gift of all)
Love is the key
We need Love [Repeat]
We need Love, Love is the key

He's Not On His Knees Yet lyrics - Cece Winans

He doesn't know his worth
Wears the saddest smile on earth
But he denies it
Love is reaching out to him
But he won't let it in
He defies it
He defies it

He's not ready
He's not on his knees yet
He's too strong to be weak
Show him mercy
He's not on his knees yet
Let him break please
Make him better
Put the pieces back together

He thinks that he's alone
I have walked the road the he's on
And I know he's searching
Looking everywhere but up
He can't fill his empty cup
So he keeps hurting
He keeps hurting

He's not ready
He's not on his knees yet
He's too strong to be weak
Show him mercy
He's not on his knees yet
Let him break please
Make him better
Put the pieces back together
Help him please
He's not on his knees...

One And The Same lyrics - Cece Winans

How shall I begin to speak about a God
That I will never comprehend?
So high and mighty and yet, closer than a friend
The beginning and the end

The mystery of His holiness
The wonder of His humanness are one

One and the same
I can't do Him justice with any one name
The holy God of Heaven and the humble man who bore my shame
Are one, one and the same

I scarcely understand how a simple servant
Can be called the great I am
How the Son of God is still the Son of man
Both the Shepard and the Lamb

The healer and the wounded
Father and the only Son are one

One and the same
I can't do Him justice with any one name
The Holy God of Heaven and the humble man who bore
Who bore my shame are one, one and the same

The way that we can come to know
The truth that sets us free, yeah
The life that died, God rose again
Love revealed

You are one and, one and the same
I just can't do it with any one name
Oh, Holy God of Heaven and the humble man who bore my shame
Are one, one and the same
Are one, one and the same

Higher Place Of Praise lyrics - Cece Winans

Now there's a place that's blessed
Now there's a place that's blessed

Where we find happiness
Where we find happiness
A place of Sabbath rest
A higher price of praise (praise, praise)

We lift our hands and
We've learned to dance and
Seems we've got the notion
That we're going through the motions
Now tell me really Is that victory, tell me

But there's a place I've found and
It's a much higher mountain
It wakes me early morning
And I know it's Zion calling me into worship
To give me life daily daily

Now when lie's not the norm
In times of calm or storm
My spirit, my soul and my flesh
Needs this place of praise (praise, praise)

Now here's the story
No flesh can glory
In His awesome presence
It's His Holy name we reverence
This place is precious,powerful and pure (so pure)
A higher place I've found
Take me to higher ground
The brightness of Your face
Gives me a higher praise
Higher, higher
Higher, I wanna go higher
The brightness of Your face
Gives me a higher praise

Blessed, Broken & Given lyrics - Cece Winans

Two men walked on the road to Emmaus
Blind to a stranger they met on the way
Late in the evening, they asked him to supper
To break bread together at the close of the day
The stranger took the bread and bowed his head
Then asked for a blessing then he broke it
Into pieces of three
He gave to these blind men this bread
Blessed and broken
And suddenly their blinded eyes did see

His life was blessed far more than I could ever imagine
He was touched by God's grace more than I'll ever know
Then he was broken by the hands of the father
To bring sight to all blind men who were lost on their way
After God blessed him and after God broke him
He was given to bring sight to all men
When he was blessed
When he was broken
and after he was given
God blessed him and broke him again and again

My life is blessed far more than I could ever imagine
I've been touched by God's grace more than I'll ever know
So let me be given to the hands of the father
Let me feel, what you felt, when you were broken for me

After my blessing, and after my breaking
Let me be given to bring sight to all men
When I've been blessed
When I've been broken
then after I've been given
Lord bless me and break me again and again
Lord bless me and break me again and again

album: "His Gift" (1998)

He's Brought Joy To The World lyrics - Cece Winans

Let Every Heart,
Prepare Him Room
He's Brought Joy To The World
Yes He Has, He's Brought Joy

Glory To The King lyrics - Cece Winans

Born in a manger
He was a stranger coming from Bethlehem
Born of virgin
healing the hurt with compassion and holy hands
came to the earth
just so he could be crucified
but never to worry he got the victory
he rose

that's the reason we hark the angel sing
glory to the king
through him we celebrate life
for us all a savior dies
glory to the king

you are Emmanuel
god is with us
a miracle just took place
this is the time where
we dress up warm
as the snowflakes kiss your face
Children's laughter is the symbol and sigh
how they wish they could hold back time
Don't let the day end without reaching out to give love
That's the gift that no money could ever buy


Can you hear it
Lets sing it

Do You Hear What I Hear? lyrics - Cece Winans

Said the little lamb
To the shepherd boy
Do you hear what I hear
Ringing through the night
Shepherd boy
Do you hear what I hear
A song, a song
High above the trees
With a voice
As big as the sea
With a voice
As big as the sea

Said the shepherd boy
To the mighty king
Do you know what I know
In your palace warm
Mighty king
Do you know what I know
A child
A child shivers in the cold
Let us bring him
Silver and gold
Let us bring him
Silver and gold

Said the king
To the people everywhere
Listen to what I say
Pray for peace
People everywhere
Listen to what I say
A child, a child
Sleeping in the night
He will bring us
Goodness and light
He will bring us
Goodness and light

What A Child lyrics - Cece Winans

[Verse 1:]
It started in a manger, but finished on the cross
He knew from the beginning how it would end
His purpose was to save all, his plan went perfectly
His life paid the cost, he suffered every pain
So we could smile again

Oh What a Child, he came and died for love
Oh What a King, Saviour from Everything
No need to fear, be of good cheer
Christmas is for you and me
Oh, Christmas is for you and me

[Verse 2:]
As we share this time, with friends and family
Please let us remember the reason of his cry
So let us share with those are in need
Let him live within your heart and spread peace
And spread peace

[Repeat Chorus]

For He alone gives us life, His word gives us truth
All men should follow him, The Babe from Bethlehem

Go Tell It On The Mountain lyrics - Cece Winans

Go, tell it on the mountain
Over the hills and everywhere
Go, tell it on the mountain
That Jesus Christ is born

While shepherds kept their watching
Over silent flocks by night
Behold throughout the heavens
There shone a holy light

Go, tell it on the mountain
Over the hills and everywhere
Go, tell it on the mountain
That Jesus Christ is born

The shepherds feared and trembled
When lo! above the earth
Rang out the angels chorus
That hailed the Savior's birth

Go, tell it on the mountain
Over the hills and everywhere
Go, tell it on the mountain
That Jesus Christ is born

Down in a lowly manger
The humble Christ was born
And God sent us salvation
That blessed Christmas morn

Go, tell it on the mountain
Over the hills and everywhere
Go, tell it on the mountain
That Jesus Christ is born.

Away In A Manger lyrics - Cece Winans

Away in a manger
No crib for His bed
The little Lord Jesus
Lay down His sweet head
The stars
In the bright sky
Look down where lay
The little Lord Jesus
Asleep on the hay

The cattle are lowing
The baby awakes
But little Lord Jesus
No crying he makes
I love you Lord Jesus
Look down from the sky
And stay by my cradle
'Til morning is night

Be near me Lord Jesus
I ask thee to stay
Close by me forever
And love me I pray
Bless all
The dear children
In thy tender care
And feen us for Heaven
To live with thee there

Christmas Star lyrics - Cece Winans

On that magic night in Bethlehem
On the birthday of our Lord
The angels sang and the heavens rang
With tidings of great joy
And on that night, an angel's choir had journeyed from afar
The greatest gift that God could give became the Christmas Star

There's a light that shines on everyone
Burning brighter everyday
For the souls who search for peace on earth.
It's the Christmas Star that lights the way

All the wandering flock the shepherds watched
Is still the same today
Returning every child above who's ever gone astray


There's a light (there's a light) everyone can see (everyone can see)
A song for every heart to see (every heart to see)
There's a light (there's a light) shining from above (shining from above)
Giving everlasting love

There's a promise in the prophecy
That wise men will behold
A son for all eternity and so the story's told


Christmas Star (oh, the Christmas Star) ooh, Christmas Star
(Burning brighter), ooh ah (every day)
Ooh Christmas star (Christmas star, ooh light the way) ooh ah
(Christmas Star that lights the way)

We Wish You A Merry Christmas lyrics - Cece Winans

We wish you a Merry Christmas
We wish you a Merry Christmas
We wish you a Merry Christmas
And a happy new year

Good tidings
We bring to you and your kin
Good tidings for christmas
And a happy new year

We all know that Santas coming
We all know that Santas coming
We all know that Santas coming
And soon will be here

Good tidings to you
And all of you kin
Good tidings for Christmas
And a happy New Year

We wish you a Merry Christmas
We wish you a Merry Christmas
We wish you a Merry Christmas
And a happy New Year

album: "Everlasting Love" (1998)

Well, Alright lyrics - Cece Winans

Times are harder now
Then they've ever been before
(Don't be discouraged)
So much hurt and pain
That it seems so hard to bare
(You gotta remember)

Faith is the only thing
That you can count on
Stand on His promises
That you may be strong

I'm here to let you know
There's always hope for you and me
In spite of what it feels like

Well alright
Keepin' ya head up high no matter 'cause
It's alright
Believing a change gon' come today or even tonight
And He's gonna answer every little prayer
Just hold on, wait and see
You know it's gonna be alright

Crying all night long
Feeling like you're so alone
(But don't you worry)
'Cause season's have to change
It won't always be this way
(So just remember)

Love is the only key that opens every door
Releases everything all that you need and more
I've got to let you know
There's always hope for you and me
In spite of what it seems like

Well alright
Keepin' ya head up high no matter 'cause
It's alright
Believing a change gon' come today or even tonight
And He's gonna answer every little prayer
Just hold on, wait and see
You know it's gonna be alright

There's so much life to live for
Joy and happiness in store
There's so much more you can be
Buy you gotta ask and you'll receive
Alright, alright, alright

Well alright
Keepin' ya head up high no matter 'cause
It's alright
Believing a change gon' come today or even tonight
And He's gonna answer every little prayer
Just hold on, wait and see
You know it's gonna be alright

Life lyrics - Cece Winans

Sometimes I feel I can't make it
In this world on my own
So hard to see my direction
But you gave me something to help me be strong


You gave me joy
yes you did, yes you did, yes you did
You are my peace of mind oh ou oh
You are my life
yes you are, yes you are yes you are
and now for you Lord I lift my life oh Lord

At last my horizons are sunny
My pain has been erased
A new outlook a brighter day
Since you smiled down on my spirit
All my burdens washed away yeah
I'm born again
Blessed and safe


With every heartfelt melody
and every song of praise I sing to you
Somethin stirs inside of me,
It's the love you have for me
That is why I dedicate my life
to you....


What About You? lyrics - Cece Winans

Everybody's looking for a peace that flows
And everybody wants a place to go
Nobody wants to kneel and pray

So nobody receives results without faith
When someone falls along the wayside
And everybody knows why
Another heart sadly broken

Everybody needs someone to love
Everybody wants some hand to hold
Everybody needs salvation for their soul
So what about you?

Everybody wants to live life good
Does anyone live the way they should
It's never too late to turn around
'Cuz everyone lost can be found

So when you're feeling so alone
Don't think that you can't come home
And when you want to be held
My arms are open so let me know

Everybody needs someone to love
Everybody wants some hand to hold
Everybody needs salvation for their soul
So what about you?

Everlasting Love lyrics - Cece Winans

Where there is grief, there will be hope
And if ever a hand is in need, know that I'll be holdin' on
Know that the peace that comes from above
Is the same everlasting love

Remember me whenever you're all alone
And if it helps you to sleep know that I'll be looking on
Know that the peace that you dream of
Is the same everlasting love

You know I've watched you carry all this weight upon your shoulders
As if no one understands what you go through
But with all the might in you, believe what I say is true
When I say that I will never ever leave you or forsake you

So you just reach out as far as you can
Should the whole world just stare in disbelief
Know that I'll take hold of your hand
What your heart feels is what you sing of
Is the same everlasting love, everlasting love, everlasting love

When the darkness filled the urgent sky
And the tears welled up in the corners of my eyes
And the sun would shine for the pourin' rain
Wondered if I'd ever see daylight again

When the stars protest at the moon's refrain
And I told myself I'd surely go insane
And the Earth kept turnin' at an alarmin' pace
And I couldn't talk my heart out of joinin' the race

I remember a time I couldn't close my eyes
I would lie awake dispairin', don't know how many nights
Afraid of death that my chest would give way to the fear
Pulled the covers over my head and I cupped my ears

In attempt to escape the deafening sounds of silence
In attempt to escape these constant visions of violence
And with death as close as it could possibly get
Heard a voice in the distance sayin', "Cece not yet"

Then suddenly the darkness gave away to the light
And I threw off the covers as I closed my eyes
Just in time to feel your spirit grip my body like a glove
And I knew in that moment that it was your

That it was your everlasting, lasting love
I said it was your everlasting love, yesterday and today
Forever more it will remain, even now it's still the same
'Cause my love will never change, know that the peace
That comes from above is that same everlasting love

I Am lyrics - Cece Winans

I am the one, yes, I created the whole universe
Greater than anything in heaven and in all the earth
It's my air you breathe, so I'm the one that you should please
I am the one you need, why should you be alone?

I am that I am, I'm all that you need
I can, yes, I can, no, it ain't too hard for me
Do you know, really know, do you really believe?
Every day, every night of your life, I am

It hurts my heart indeed to see those whom I love in need
Knowing all I wonder, why they never call on me
If you just ask and I can satisfy you with the things
I'll give you everything, yes, you can have it all

I tell the sun to shine, the wind to blow, the rain to fall
I move the mountains and the oceans, rivers great and small
Yes, everything I made I want to hear them give me praise
Especially you, my children each and every day

I am that I am, I'm all that you need
I can, yes, I can, no, it ain't too hard for me
Do you know, really know, do you really believe?
Everyday, every night of your life

I am

Slippin' lyrics - Cece Winans

There you go again slippin'
Doin' the things you said you'd never do again
You hear me callin' your name, you're hiding
But I know just where you are so close but yet so far

Turn around and see the miles you've come
Do you really wanna go back
Just to start again, oh, my friend

I can't bear to see you go out that way
Don't make the mistake of letting go
Don't be afraid, I'm here
Hold on to me, your slippin'

Pretending everything is okay
In the front of the crowd, you're smilin'
But after everyone's gone, you're all along
You're not fine, you're slippin'

Take off the mask with me
I see your heart, it's hurting
If you wanna stay with me, I need honesty
Don't play with me, you're slippin'

Can't make it on your own, stop tryin'
I've got the power to keep you from fallin'
If I could just have the chance to show you
What real happiness is like, together we'll win the fight

The Wind (Tears For You) lyrics - Cece Winans

With all of my heart I know I could love you
But with all of my soul I'm driftin' away
And with all of my mind I know you can save me from
myself, and anything else

With all of my strength I wanna reach out for you
With every breath, call out your name
With every step I just want to turn around and say
Make it okay

But I'm so afriad you've forgiven one too many times
And I'm so afraid to give my heart again
Just to have a change of mind
And I'm not quite sure that you can trust me
And I would hate to have you find me again
Driftin' away like the wind

With all of my heart I know I disappointed you
And altough I'm real sorry I don't know how to say this time
But if I were to lose you I know, I know I'd go completely
Out of my mind, but I'm running out of time

But I'm so afriad you've forgiven one too many times
And I'm so afraid to give my heart again
Just to have a change of mind
And I'm not quite sure that you can trust me
And I would hate to have you find me again
Driftin' away like the wind

It blows and nobody know where it's goin' to
(Like the wind)
It blows and nobody know what it's gonna do
(Like the wind)
At night you can hear it cry as the teardrops fall
From Heaven's eyes and somehow you know it's true
These tears that fall could be fallin' for you

Come On Back Home lyrics - Cece Winans

Since the beginning you knew
He's been with you
You were raised in the church
so you know I'm tellin the truth
Livin like you don't know right from wrong
tellin yourself you're okay
God's word is always right
Just admit you've left the way
So I'm here to tell ya
it doesn't matter what you've done or where you been
Just fall on your knees, confess and he will forgive your sins

Come on back home, you've been away too long
God has been good to you
He's brought you through and through
Why can't you see the signs
We're living at the end
Jesus is coming soon
Don't wait too late my friend

Just surrender and stop the fight
Go head and throw in the towel
Why run from love any longer
When you're almost out of time
Let him restore you
And break up that fallow ground
All power is in his hands
To turn your whole life around
Let him in your heart
The choice is yours you don't have to be ashamed


Please don't ignore the knocking at your door
Let him in your heart, he'll forget the past and give a fresh new start
And this time hold on, don't let him, don't let him, don't let him go
He wants to wash you and fill you and heal you and love you like...


Feel The Sprirt lyrics - Cece Winans

[Opening:] Every time i feel the spirit movin in my heart I will pray, every time i feel the spirit movin in my heart i will pray.

Helele Mama Helele Mama, woza Moya, Helele Mama Helele Mama, Oyingwele, Helele Mama Helele Mama woza Moya, Helele Mama Helele Mama, Oyingwele.

Time to escape all of your pain leave all your worries never to find again i know a safe place you can hide where only love and peace will abide

come on everybody feel the spirit it feels good lift your head clap your hands and feel joy leap for it come on everybody feel the spirit it feels good its yours its free go ahead and dance and jump in O Helele O Ham [9X]

a great place to go, designed with you in mind so don't be a stranger, you can live there all the time in order to get there, you don't have to travel far pray without ceasing and it will come where you are

come on everybody feel the spirit it feels good lift your head clap your hands and feel joy leap for it come on everybody feel the spirit it feels good its yours its free go ahead and dance and jump in O Helele O Ham [9X]

[Bridge ]
Celerbrate! come on everybody feel the spirit it feels good Uyawuzw'umoya, lift your head clap your hands and feel joy leap for it Uyawuzw'umoya come on everybody feel the spirit it feels good O Helele O Ham its yours its free go ahead and dance and jump in O Helele O Ham [9X]

[Ending:] Uyawuzw'umoya, Uyawuzw'umoya, feel the Spirit

[*Zulu translations*]
Helele Mama Helele Mama - South African Celebration chants
Woza - come
moya - Spirit
Oyingwele - Holy
Uyawuzw'umoya - Do you feel the Spirit?
O Helele O Ham - (5 times) celebration chants

The Healing Part lyrics - Cece Winans

It's hard to know what to say
We've said so much that we regret
What a price that we pay
When we can't forgive much less forget

The more I hear the more I fear
That we might lose each other

Can we skip to the part
Where we come to out senses?
Before we go too far
Love shouldn't be so hard

Can we open our hearts, drop our defenses?
Find where forgiveness starts
Let's stop where we are
And skip to the healing part

I can't recall what it was
That got this whole thing started
When anger grows like it does
And respect can get discarded

Everyday that we wait
Something good is dying

Can we skip to the part
Where we come to out senses?
Before we go too far
Love shouldn't be so hard

Can we open our hearts, drop our defenses
Find where forgiveness starts
Let's stop where we are
And skip to the healing part

Listen With Your Heart lyrics - Cece Winans

When you can't find your way through the night
When you've lost touch and nothing's feeling right
You can't find that path that leads you home
You don't know which road, which road to choose
That's when you've got to

Listen with your heart, listen to your soul
Inside you'll find the answer
To take you to the place you need to go
Listen with your heart, listen and your heart will let you know
No matter where you are, the truth is never far
Just listen and your heart will lead you home

And when this world has got your mind confused
Feels like your faith has just run out on you
You can find that faith inside your soul
The strength you need lies deep, lies deep in you
That's why you've got to

Listen with your heart, listen to your soul
Inside you'll find the answer
To take you to the place you need to go
Listen with your heart, listen and your heart will let you know
No matter where you are, the truth is never far
Just listen and your heart will lead you home

We all lose our way sometimes
We all lose our faith sometimes
But if you just believe and just be strong
Trust your heart
Your heart won't do you wrong
Your heart won't do you wrong

Listen with your heart, listen to your soul
Inside you'll find the answer
To take you to the place you need to go
Listen with your heart, listen and your heart will let you know
No matter where you are, the truth is never far
Just listen and your heart will lead you home

On That Day lyrics - Cece Winans

The world is movin' much too fast
Mother's have kids, they outlast
Young men think it's hard to pass this way

Everybody's tryin' hard
To find a world in a life that's flawed
When each one should be thanking God
All the way

I want to see you on that day
On that day, on that day
You know I want to see You on that day
On that day, on that day

We're chasing wordly vanity
Some of us living in insanity
Forgetting our humanity with no way

Break the bonds that tie your flesh
Without Him then life is death
Only He will not transgress there's no way

Open up your heart and know
Our debts were paid for long ago
And love is all we really owe
(For a way)

I want to see you on that day
On that day, on that day
You know I want to see You on that day
On that day, on that day

Just Come lyrics - Cece Winans

When I promised you, you could trust me
I meant every word that I said
You know I understand what you're going through
You don't have to face the night all by yourself

Just come, come to me
It hurts me when you cry
I won't leave you alone
When you need a hand to hold
I will be there, I'll always care

Sometimes the world can be such a lonely place
And you don't feel you're where you belong
It's in those times I wish
You would talk to me 'cuz if you're weak
My love will make you strong

Just come, come to me
It hurts me when you cry
I won't leave you alone
When you need a hand to hold
I will be there, I'll always care

What matters now
Is the love that we share
Let's pick up the pieces and go on, go on from here
Grab hold to me and I'll set you free

Just come, come to me
It hurts me when you cry
I won't leave you alone
When you need a hand to hold
I will be there, I'll always care

album: "Alone In His Presence" (1995)

Alone In The Presence lyrics - Cece Winans

I'm safe and sound
Serene and calm
Whenever I'm here, I know you're with me
My secret place
Where I escape
From all the cares of this race
Because of your grace

Joy fills my heart
Peace rules and reigns there.
Nothing but love overflows
And your will clearly shown
(When I'm) Alone in the presence of you

Wisdom is served
And life preserved
From all your words that you speak Lord
Power displayed
And weakness fades
All of the pain erased
Because of your great...


When I'm alone with you
My soul learns worship
In spirit and in truth
For the glory of your name


I Surrender All lyrics - Cece Winans

All to Jesus I surrender
All to Him I freely give
I will ever love and trust Him
In His presence daily live
All to Jesus I surrender
Humbly at His feet I bow
Worldy pleasures all forshaken
Take me, Jesus, take me now,

I surrender all
I surredner all
All to Thee my blessed Savior
I surrender all
All to Jesus I surrender
Make me Savior wholly thine
May Thy Holy Spirit fill me
May I know Thy power divine

I surrender all
I surrender all
All to Thee my blessed Savior
I surrender all
I surrender all
I surrender all
All to Thee my blessed Savior
I surrender all
I surrender all
All to Thee my blessed Savior
I surrender all

Because Of You lyrics - Cece Winans

All Because of you
Oh Lord It's all
Because of you
Any good that I've done
and all that I do
it's all because of you

I give all praises to you Lord
All that I have I owe it to thee
You cleansed me from sin
and set my soul free
to share with others
what you've done for me

Because of the power in your name
I can do all things as you strengthen me
To be a witness so the world might believe
and give you glory through eternity

His Strength Is Perfect lyrics - Cece Winans

His strength is perfect
So perfect

I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength
But sometimes I wonder what he can do for me
No great success to show
No glory of my own
yet in my weakness he is there to let me know

His strength is perfect when our strength is gone
He'll carry us when we can't carry on
Raised in his power the weak becomes strong
His strength is perfect
His strenght is perfect

We can only know tht power that he holds
When we truly see how deep our weakness goes
His strength it must begin
When ours comes to an end
He hears our humble cry and proves again


Every Time lyrics - Cece Winans

Whenever I call you're always there
Whenever I'm hurting you ease the pain

Never disappoinnted, never ever let down

Never too busy whenever I'm hurting
To take the time out to stop the pain
Never too hurried
Whenever I'm worried
that's the reason I'll make it known

Everytime I run to you
Everytime I come to you
Everytime I call you
You're right there
Everytime I reach for you
Anytime I ever needed you
Everytime I call you
You're right there

It's not uncommon at the beginning
For love to be at your beck and call
It's been some time now
and you haven't slowed down
That's the reason I'll make it known


It's not on purpose the wrong I've done
It's just that my weaknesses caused me to run
But the fear of failure loses it's scare
In the calm of knowing you're always there


Great Is Thy Faithfulness lyrics - Cece Winans

Great is Thy faithfulness, O God my Father;
There is no shadow of turning with Thee;
Thou changest not, Thy compassions, they fail not;
As Thou hast been, Thou forever will be.

Great is Thy faithfulness!
Great is Thy faithfulness!
Morning by morning new mercies I see.
All I have needed Thy hand hath provided;
Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord, unto me!

Summer and winter and springtime and harvest,
Sun, moon and stars in their courses above
Join with all nature in manifold witness
To Thy great faithfulness, mercy and love.


Pardon for sin and a peace that endureth
Thine own dear presence to cheer and to guide;
Strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow,
Blessings all mine, with ten thousand beside!

Praise Medley lyrics - Cece Winans

Joyful Joyful Lord we adore Thee
Oh come let us adore him Christ
Christ the Lord

His name is called Emanuel
God with us
Revealed in us
His name is called

Give thanks with a grateful heart
Give thanks to the holy one
Give thanks for he has given Jesus Christ his son
And now let the weak say I am strong
Let the poor say I am rich
For all he has done for us
Give him thanks

(he is worthy of the praise)
Just want to praise you
Your worthy for all you have done for me
Blessing and honor
And glory they all belong to you thankyou Jesus for blessing me

Lord your so worthy
Lord your so worthy
Thank you Jesus
Give thanks
Let the weak say I am strong
Let the poor say I am rich
Forever and ever
Blessings and Honor
They all belong to thee

Blessed Assurance lyrics - Cece Winans

Blessed Assurance
Jesus is mine
O what a foretaste of glory divine
Heir of salvation, purchased of God
Born of His Spirit, washed in His Blood

This is my story, this is my song
Praising my Savior all the day long
This is my story, this is my song
Praising my Savior all the day long

Perfect submission, perfect delight
Visions of rapture now burst on my sight
Angels descending, bring from above
Echoes of mercy, whispers of love

This is my story, this is my song
Praising my Savior all the day long
This is my story, this is my song
Praising my Savior all the day long

Story, this is my story
Praising my Savior
Praising my Savior
Praising my Savior
All the day long

Praising my Savior
Praising my Savior
Praising my Savior
All the day long

Blood Medley lyrics - Cece Winans

(oh the blood)
Oh the blood of Jesus
(it will never lose its)
Power, power
Wonder working power
In the blood of the lamb
Power, power
Wonder working power
In the precious blood of the lamb
The lamb

Your only son, no sin to hide
But you have sent from your side
To walk upon this guilty sod
And become the lamb of God

Your gift of love they crucified
They laughed and scorned him as he died
The humble king they named a fraud
And sacrified the lamb of God

Ohhhhh lamb of God, sweet lamb of God
Ilove the holy lamb of God
Oh wash me in his precious blood
My Jesus Christ, the lamb of God

I was so lost I should have died
But you have brought me to your side
To be led by your staff and rod
And change my name from cece to a lamb of God

Oh lamb of God, sweet lamb of God
I love the holy lamb of God
Oh wash me in your precious blood
'til I am a lamb of God

He's Always There lyrics - Cece Winans

He's always there to brighten up your day
Always there in every way
When it's cold and dreary
And your faith is growing weary
You don't have to be afraid

He's always there, just ask for what you need
He'll be there if you believe
Open up your heart, invite Him to come in
He'll turn your life around
And change you from within, waiting to care

He's always there, ooh, ooh

He's always there to comfort and provide
He's always there right by your side
To help you face tomorrow
Through all the joy and sorrow
His love you can't deny

He's always there, just ask for what you need
He'll be there if you believe
Open up your heart, invite Him to come in and
He'll turn your life around, hey

Open up your heart, invite Him to come in and
He'll turn your life around
And he'll change you from within, waiting to care
He's always there

other songs:

The River lyrics - Cece Winans

The river flows from the depths of my soul
Save your son from harm and danger
It's killing me, still I've gotta let him go
Trust in You cause You're not a stranger
You are a spark, Misses joy
Now save my innocent boy
I'll leave forever in your cradle
I'm talking to ya river
I know you're able to deliver
Won't you take him with ya river
Take care of him
That's my heart, my heart
Familiar friend it's your hand that he's in
Carry him with blessed assurance
Don't let him go til you know that he's safe
I pray to God the Father for amazing grace
I gave you all that I've got now save him
Now save him from Pharaoh's plot
Of killin' each child who's born a man
I'm talking to ya river
You're able to deliver
Won't you take him with you river
Take care of him; that's my heart, my heart
Now that I put him in the water
I pray for you to do what you've got to do
With my son, yeah
Let him go, let him go
I'm talking to ya river
I know you're able to deliver
Won't you take him with you river
Take care of him
Take care of him, my baby
I'm talking to ya river
I know you're able to deliver
Won't you take him with you river
How could I let my little boy go
Let him go , let him go
My baby boy
